Codman Burial Ground
Norfolk Street Dorchester, MA

Did you know?
Rev. Dr. John Codman, first pastor of the Second Meetinghouse in Dorchester, left 3.5 acres of his estate for a new burying ground.
Codman Square (intersection of Washington St., Talbot St., and Norfolk St.) was named for Rev. Codman after his death in 1847 to honor his great contribution to the community during his nearly 40 years of ministry.
The Codman Burying Ground is owned and has always been operated by the Second Church in Dorchester.
The burying ground is laid out in a "garden style" design in the shape of angel wings.
The Community Outreach Group for Landscape Design (COGdesign has awarded the Codman Burial Ground a landscape design grant for 2020. Under the terms of the grant COG Design has matched two professional landscape designers with the Codman Advisory Board to work with the local community to come up with a landscape design for the space.
We were just getting started with planning when the Crona-virus hit, so things are on pause. But look forward to community meetings--and start to think about what kind of design would be best for the community.
If you would like to be contacted about future community meetings, send your email address to Cliff Hersey at
Community Notice
The Codman Burial Ground has not been actively engaged in burials since the late 1990s.
However, we are considering the possibility of installing options for the interment cremains.
The Cemetery Advisory Committee is seeking input on this idea. Please feel free to send any comments or concerns to the committee by contacting Cliff Hersey at:
Events & Announcements
We've accomplished a lot this past summer! With all the rain in July, the grass grew like crazy! We have been at the site at least twice per week trying to keep up with the mowing. We hope the neighborhood takes notice. In the Fall and Winter we will try to move forward with reducing the piles of limbs and leaves and start to trim out the back of the site.
Like to research? While we have identified all of the burials in the cemetery, we are now engaged in cataloging the gravestones. Along with a simple photo, we need to be sure that the info on the stones matches what we have in terms of information on the family or the deceased. We also need to know what stones will need repair whenever we can raise funds to do that. Contact us!